Sunbay Hotel
Perfect for couples of all types, families, and singles, the Sunbay Hotel is an affordable vacation option for those who want a secluded, environmentally friendly resort setting. Facilities include a swimming pool, fitness room, tennis court, mini-golf course, restaurant, sports bar, and easy access to the beach nearby.
Our spacious guest room lodging offer everything you need for a comfortable Barbados vacation including an airy Caribbean d cor, satellite television, air conditioning, mini-fridge, room safe, hair dryer, and private balcony.
Sunbay Hotel
Perfect for couples of all types, families, and singles, the Sunbay Hotel is an affordable vacation option for those who want a secluded, environmentally friendly resort setting. Facilities include a swimming pool, fitness room, tennis court, mini-golf course, restaurant, sports bar, and easy access to the beach nearby.
Our spacious guest room lodging offer everything you need for a comfortable Barbados vacation including an airy Caribbean d cor, satellite television, air conditioning, mini-fridge, room safe, hair dryer, and private balcony.
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